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15 Haziran 2024, Cumartesi
İthalatçı Firma
Pentax Ürünleri

 Aktif Üye/Ziyaretçi
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Pentax K10D Digital Camera

  Specifications Reviews Photos Pentax K10D From Forum Pentax K10D From Galery


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Lens lock button is located just below the bayonet dock. Just the other side of bayonet, there is a switch for choosing focusing mode: AF-S (Single Auto Focus), AF-C (Continuous Auto Focus) and MF (Manual Focus). Just above this switch, there is a dedicated RAW button. It can be used to shoot RAW without the need for entering onscreen menus.

On the right side there are e-dials, which can be used for shutter speed and exposure compensation (the functions of these dials can be customized in various ways).

Above these dials, there is the shutter button, on-off / preview dial and tiny green button. (This tiny button can make offer auto aperture and shutter speed in M mode)

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